What will be imported automatically?
- Posts
- Pages
- Comments
- Custom Fields
- Categories
- Tags
- Menus
What must be copied over manually?
- Theme settings
* Note: your theme may not be available on Book Host. Please see our list of installed themes and plugins *
Step 1: Purchase your Book Host account
The first thing you'll want to do is purchase your Book Host account. When your payment is processed, you will receive an email with a link to your new site URL along with your WordPress username and password. Make sure you login and confirm that everything is working as expected.
Step 2: Export your blog
Login to your blog on WordPress.com and inside the dashboard, go to Tools » Export. From the options, select "Export" again (the free options).
On the export page, make sure you have "All Content" selected and click "Download Export File". This will download a file to your computer that contains all of your WordPress posts, comments, pages, and more. Make sure you save it in a safe place!

Step 3: Import your blog into Book Host
Login to your Book Host WordPress dashboard and navigate to Tools » Import and select "WordPress" from the list. You'll be taken to a page where you can select a file to upload. Choose the file that you downloaded in step 2.
All done!
Once the import finishes, all of your content will be imported into your new blog! Time to start blogging!